David Lynch directs this heartwarming story of Alvin Straight (Richard Farnsworth), a septuagenarian who learns that his estranged brother, Lyle (Harry Dean Stanton), is critically ill. Unable to drive, Alvin buys a John Deere tractor and drives it from Iowa to Wisconsin in hopes of mending their fractured relationship before it’s too late.
At a max speed of 5 miles per hour, Alvin embarks on a journey across the heartland that pushes him to his limits and reminds him that, even at 73-years-old, there’s beauty to be found in life when you leave your comfort zone and open your heart.
Inspired by true events, the film was a nominee for the Palme d’Or and a winner of multiple international awards including an Oscar nomination for Richard Farnsworth.
This brand new 4K restoration was restored from the original negative and supervised by David Lynch.