Somewhere in the Caribbean, the lives of four unique animated characters find themselves at a crossroads in their pursuit of love. Olivia, a young woman who resides in the countryside, reckons with the presence of her former lover. Toxicity and repression clash within the solitude of her enclosed homeland. Decades later, Barbara is rejected by Mauricio and escapes reality through fantastical stories; racked with regret Mauricio is swallowed by the earth. Ramón, smitten by Olivia, witnesses the growth of a strange plant that mirrors her movements.
Tomás Pichardo Espaillat’s heart-breaking drama mixes and mingles within the multi-animator framework. Through vibrant potpourri, Olivia & Las Nubes (Olivia and the Clouds) combines hand-drawn animation, stop-motion animation, Super8 footage, and other miscellaneous techniques.
Olivia & Las Nubes (Olivia and the Clouds) is part of the Feature Film Competition at the 2024 Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF).