The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) proudly presents Your Letter. An adaptation of Hyeon A Cho’s popular webtoon, Your Letter is the feature directorial debut of Kim Yonghwan. The film features the voice talents of Lee Su-hyun of the K-pop duo AKMU.
Sori is hoping for a fresh start at her new school―which is easier said than done when everything reminds her of why she transferred. As luck would have it, an anonymous letter taped to the bottom of her desk provides a perfect distraction. Little does Sori know that she’s about to embark on the scavenger hunt of a lifetime!
Kim will be at the screening for an audience Q&A session.
The OIAF 2024 Korea-Canada programs are presented as a part of the 2024-2025 KOREA-CANADA Year of Cultural Exchanges <KOREA-CANADA International Animation Special Exhibition> in partnership with the Korea Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Korean Cultural Centre; KOFICE; BIAF; and 2024-2025 Korea-Canada Year of Cultural Exchanges.